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Project supported by the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Energy R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFE0302100), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2017YFE0300500 and 2017YFE0300501), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11575245, 11805236, and 11905256), and Young and Middle-aged Academic Back-bone Finance Fund from Anhui Medical University.
Plasma equilibrium parameters such as position, X-point, internal inductance, and poloidal beta are essential information for efficient and safe operation of tokamak. In this work, the artificial neural network is used to establish a non-linear relationship between the measured diagnostic signals and selected equilibrium parameters. The estimation process is split into a preliminary classification of the kind of equilibrium (limiter or divertor) and subsequent inference of the equilibrium parameters. The training and testing datasets are generated by the tokamak simulation code (TSC), which has been benchmarked with the EAST experimental data. The noise immunity of the inference model is tested. Adding noise to model inputs during training process is proved to have a certain ability for maintaining performance.
The tokamak device, which uses powerful magnetic fields to confine the high-temperature plasma, is one of several types of magnetic confinement facilities being developed to produce controlled thermonuclear fusion power. Estimation of fusion plasma equilibrium parameters from many diagnostic signals is essential for efficient and safe operation of tokamak. To extract the plasma equilibrium parameters such as position, triangularity, internal inductance, and poloidal beta, several schemes have been proposed. The originally used schemes are the first-principles approaches based on a multifilament model or a control surface model for plasma.[1,2] The currents flowing in the filaments or the current density distribution on the control surface are chosen in such a way as to best fit the measured fields and fluxes. In the development afterward, the plasma is also schematized by means of a set of finite element shape functions.[3] It has an advantage over the multifilament model since the field singularities are automatically eliminated. However, the calculation amount is also increased. Via using the graphic processing unit (GPU), the fast equilibrium reconstruction has been implemented in Experimental and Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST).[4]
Recently, a new statistical approach is proposed to make use of a database that contains a large number of equilibria of the plasma and the corresponding measurements. Via applying this dataset statistical method, it is possible to find a function relating the plasma parameters to the external measurements.[5,6] As one of the big-data-driven statistical methods, the artificial neural network (ANN) has shown its effectiveness in many applications in fusion research. The network estimation approach has no iteration process during prediction once the model has been trained well. We do not have to concern about the computational burden for real-time processing. And the need for the physical interpretation of the measurements will probably be much less important in future reactors.[7] Under this background, a typical neural network approach has been introduced to establish the required non-linear mapping between the measured diagnostic signals and a finite set of parameters describing the plasma equilibrium. The technique has been successfully applied to single-null diverted discharge equilibria of DIII-D tokamak after having checked its practicability in the simple test case of a circular plasma.[8] The aim of the present paper is to take a step forward in the application of the neural network approach for the identification of limiter and divertor plasma equilibria. In the remainder of this paper, we investigate the applicability of the new technique. In Section
The original artificial neural network comes from the perceptron model.[9] An artificial neural network is composed of activated functions of neurons, the network topology, connection weights, and the threshold of neurons. Generally speaking, when the network topology is fixed, the output is affected by changes of the connection weights. The learning procedure is to minimize the cost function by changing the weights and bias. With the help of the error back-propagation (EBP) algorithm,[10] the artificial neural network can be more and more widely used to solve classification and regression problems. Most of characteristics of classification and regression neural networks are similar except for the output layer. The activation function for the output layer would be chosen according to the type of task. In this work, we divide the equilibria into two classes (i.e., limiter and divertor). For this binary classification problem, the logistic-sigmoid function can be used with binomial cross-entropy as the cost function. And then, for the regression problem (i.e., real-value inference), the linear function is used in the output layer and the regularly used cost function is the mean squared error (MSE). One of the regression neural networks used in our study is presented in Fig.
EAST is one of the key fusion research projects in China. The datasets used during the neural network training and testing phase come from EAST discharge simulations using the tokamak simulation code (TSC). The TSC studies the evolution of magnetic field in a rectangular computational domain using the Maxwell MHD equations for the plasma, coupled with the boundary conditions to the circuit equations for the poloidal field (PF) coils.[11,12] It could generate evolution data during the whole discharge process at a time interval of 1 millisecond. The high time density and stability of the data make it suitable for incipient neural network model training. The geometry of EAST is shown in Fig.
![]() | Table 1 Output parameter ranges. . |
![]() | Table 2 The composition and subdivision of the dataset for regression task. . |
As already pointed out, the estimation process is split into a preliminary classification of the kind of equilibrium (limiter or divertor) and subsequent inference of the equilibrium parameters. Both the classification network and the regression network have the same input parameters, i.e., the above mentioned 38 magnetic probes, 35 flux loops, 14 PF-coil currents, and plasma current. A single hidden layer is proved sufficient for these two tasks. We designed 20 neurons for the hidden layer, and the output layer depends on different tasks.
In the first step, the classification network shows perfect ability to distinguish between the limiter and the divertor configurations on the basis of electromagnetic measurements. The final train performance valued by the binomial cross-entropy function is up to 1.09 × 10−6. The classification network should give an output equal either to zero or one for limiter or divertor configurations, respectively. In the test dataset, we round the elements of outputs to the nearest integer. All the 498 limiter configurations and 1148 divertor configurations are classified correctly. The results achieved are extremely satisfactory. It has been discussed in Ref. [7] that the ability of ANN to form correct decision regions between the two classes is probably mainly related to the flux loops located near the limiter. Someone can try to use a much smaller number of measurements if there is a demand.
After that, for the subsequent step of inferring the plasma equilibrium parameters, we trained the regression neural network respectively for the limiter and divertor configurations. The R and Z coordinates of the magnetic axis, internal inductance, poloidal beta, major and minor radii, and elongation are chosen as outputs of the limiter plasma parameters inference, and for the divertor parameters inference, we added the safety factor at the magnetic axis, R and Z coordinates of the X point into the model outputs. Table
![]() | Table 3 Summary of the global performance of the inference model in terms of MSE. . |
![]() | Table 4 The inference accuracies achieved for the individual plasma parameters for the divertor case. . |
![]() | Table 5 The inference accuracies achieved for the individual plasma parameters for the limiter case. . |
In real experiments, the electromagnetic measurements, which are used as the model inputs, may contain noise or faults. In order to assess the robustness of the estimation, we have also attempted to analyze the behavior of the neural network model when the input values are affected by possible faults and measurement noise. The assumed experimental noise level for the EAST electromagnetic measurements is less than 3%. We have trained and tested the regression neural network model with different noise amplitudes from 0 to 3%. As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6 Divertor parameter inference; prediction values and target values of R and Z coordinates of the magnetic axis; noiseless/0.5% noised training, test with noised inputs. |
We have also trained a model with three measurements absent while 0.5% percent noise in training inputs and testing inputs is still assumed (green star in Fig.
![]() | Table 6 Random faults and noised training, final model performance. . |
In the end, the speed of the inference model based on neural network is discussed as it aims to control application. After the model training has been finished, the topology and parameters of the neural network are settled. For plasma equilibrium parameters inference with presupposed inputs, there are several algebraic calculation processes such as normalization, matrix multiplication, hyperbolic tangent function, and anti-normalization. The total inference time of the neural network model is up to an order of 1 millisecond when running it on an ordinary laptop. Neural network estimation without iteration process is faster than EFIT and some other iterative solvers when they are implemented by traditional CPU computer. With the improvement of computer performance, the elapsed time can be reduced. For the EAST plasma control system, the experimental requirement for shape control is about 1 ms and the neural network model can be promisingly used for it. In case much shorter execution time is required, someone can use a parallel architecture or direct hardware for the implementation of the neural network model.
In this paper, the classification neural network and the regression neural network are both used for estimation of plasma equilibrium parameters. We split the estimation process into a preliminary equilibrium classification and a subsequent inference of the equilibrium parameters. The classification network correctly classifies all the divertor and limiter equilibria in the test dataset. For the parameter inference task, the regression network also shows good performance even with measurement noise and possible faults. The model trained with 0.5% noise is chosen after we trade the global inference performance of the model and its noise immunity. The possible faults in measurements are also tested in the end. The neural network model is proved to be robust with a small number of measurements absent. In conclusion, the method looks very promising especially for the real-time estimation of the plasma equilibrium parameters.
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